I Want to Take Picture by Bill Burke
I Want to Take Picture has a physicality to it that I find irresistible. Between the collages, the Polaroid 665, the diaristic tone and the inserting of his struggles back home in America, Burke made something deeply personal in a space where most people were making journalism. He said:
“I would like things to be spelled out clearly so I wouldn’t have to think about it. But that’s not the way it is. I can’t say this is this and that is that. There is no indisputable truth.”
Best enjoyed along side Burke’s Mine Fields, Philip Blenkinsop’s The Cars That Ate Bangkok, Max Pam’s Autobiographies, and Jim Goldberg’s Raised by Wolves and The Last Son.
I Want to Take Picture has a physicality to it that I find irresistible. Between the collages, the Polaroid 665, the diaristic tone and the inserting of his struggles back home in America, Burke made something deeply personal in a space where most people were making journalism. He said:
“I would like things to be spelled out clearly so I wouldn’t have to think about it. But that’s not the way it is. I can’t say this is this and that is that. There is no indisputable truth.”
Best enjoyed along side Burke’s Mine Fields, Philip Blenkinsop’s The Cars That Ate Bangkok, Max Pam’s Autobiographies, and Jim Goldberg’s Raised by Wolves and The Last Son.
Ben@benjaminrasmussenphoto.com · 720.514.1267