“We were sleeping in our house when the water invaded the street.”
Jhonie Rose

“The last wave I saw was as high as the coconut trees you can see outside.”
Albina Consultado

“I saw a man floating near our backyard, so I broke our window threw out a rope to him.”
Dondi Tome

We lost hope that we would live.
Krishia Kaezzie Marie Ecap

My 12-year-old son was found dead in the mangrove trees, but my 17-year-old daughter was never found. Forty days after the storm we found a body, but couldn’t identify it. We buried it in our backyard hoping that it is her.
Apolinario Bagman

I lived with my son and his house was destroyed by the waves. We fled to this cave during the storm and I stayed. I have nowhere else to go.
Fortunato Quilbio

There were 53 of us who evacuated to that house and three died. My mother was among those eaten by the big waves.
Jennifer Codillo

I was so sad looking at those ruins. Our house was completely destroyed. But I wasn’t able to cry, I was just sad.
Tryon Antofina

Before the big waves splashed the house and before my parents died, I saw them praying the rosary. They were pulled out by the big waves while holding hands and repeating “My God.”
Editha Barcial Agao

I am a fisherman, but after the typhoon there was nothing left. Of the 70 boats in town, only 3 survived.
Silvano Barcial

We were in the day care center and my cousin was trapped in the other room. I could hear her voice as she begged for help, but I couldn’t reach her. Her body was found the next day.
Clemencia Gura

And that is when I was told that my father had died.

Edsam Gura

Ben@benjaminrasmussenphoto.com · 720.514.1267